How to Become a Rainmaker — Book Highlights
4 min readSep 26, 2024
This is a highlight reel for what makes up a Rainmaker: someone who can close deals and make it rain.
By all means, do give the book a proper read for the finer details.
The Rainmaker’s Credo
- Cherish customers at all times
- Treat customers as you would your best friend
- Listen to customers and decipher their needs
- Make (or give) customers what they need
- Price your product to its dollarized value
- Show customers the dollarized value of what they will get
- Teach customers to want what they need
- Make your product the way customers want it
- Get your product to your customers when they want it
- Giver you customers a little extra, more than they expect
- Remind customers of the dollarized value they received
- Thank each customer sincerely and often
- Help customers pay you, so they won’t be embarrassed and go elsewhere
- Ask to do it again
The Rainmaker Formula
- Always answer the question “Why should this customer do business with us?”
- Obey marketing’s first commandment: treat each customer as you would treat yourself
- Customers don’t care about you
- Always pre-call plan every sales call
- Fish where the big fish are
- Show them the money
- Earthquakes don’t count
- Rainmakers make appointments to make it rain
- Stand out, send a letter
- Always take the best seat in the restaurant and have your back sat against the wall to avoid a distracting background
- Don’t drink coffee on a sales call
- You’re not at lunch to eat lunch
- Never wear a pen in your shirt pocket
- If the solution benefits them, they will buy
- Rainmakers turn customer objections into customer objectives
- Midway through one project with a customer, the Rainmaker proposes another way in which the Rainmaker’s company can help the customer
- Treat everybody you meet as a potential customer
- The biggest buy signal is the sales call appointment
- “Yes, that is a good company. Would you like to know our points of difference?”
- Always return every call every day
- Rainmakers don’t plan a thirty-mile trip with twenty miles worth of gas
- Beware the myth of time and territory management
- Rainmakers always test in private what they are going to sell in public
- Dare to be dumb
- Always do an investment return analysis
- Rainmakers make friends, not enemies
- Always be on “high receive”
- The Rainmaker must understand all of the customer’s concerns, desires, fears, and limits
- If you don’t care about the answer then don’t ask the question
- Never be in a meeting, be with the customer when they need you
- The Rainmaker presents and helps the customer to decide
- Do a wonderful job, do it on time, do it on budget, don’t complain, and give the customer a little extra
- “If the demo is successful, is there anything else prohibiting you from going ahead?”
- Give and get
- Sell before 8 in the morning or on Friday afternoons
- Break the ice at the end of the sales call
- Get a combination of 4 points everyday: 1 for each lead or referral, 2 for each appointment with a decision maker, 3 for each decision maker you meet face to face, or 4 for each sale you close
- A shot on goal is never a bad play
- Don’t make cold calls
- Sell the link and you sell the chain
- Don’t talk with food in your mouth
- “Why don’t you give it a try?”
- Voice mail is a good selling tool
- Rainmakers show up fit and ready
- Be the best-dressed person you will meet today
- Breakfast meetings make it rain
- Use business cards
- “What question should I be asking that I am not asking?”
10 Things to do Today to Get Business
- Send a handwritten note
- Clip and send an article of interest
- Talk to a satisfied customer and ask who else you might help
- Send a thank-you gift to someone who referred you
- Give your business card to someone with influence
- Send a letter to the editor of a magazine your customers read
- Add fifteen people to your mailing list
- Leave a compelling voice mail
- Make an appointment
- Call a customer you haven’t talked to in two years
How to Recognise a Rainmaker
- Is organised
- Calls only on decision makers
- Does detailed pre-call planning
- Always has a written sales call objective
- Asks pre-planned questions
- Listens
- Is empathetic with customers
- Encourages and appreciates objections
- Always dollarizes the value of the product
- Asks for customer commitments