How to Become a Rainmaker — Book Highlights

José Fernando Costa
4 min readSep 26, 2024


This is a highlight reel for what makes up a Rainmaker: someone who can close deals and make it rain.

By all means, do give the book a proper read for the finer details.

Source: Pexels

The Rainmaker’s Credo

  • Cherish customers at all times
  • Treat customers as you would your best friend
  • Listen to customers and decipher their needs
  • Make (or give) customers what they need
  • Price your product to its dollarized value
  • Show customers the dollarized value of what they will get
  • Teach customers to want what they need
  • Make your product the way customers want it
  • Get your product to your customers when they want it
  • Giver you customers a little extra, more than they expect
  • Remind customers of the dollarized value they received
  • Thank each customer sincerely and often
  • Help customers pay you, so they won’t be embarrassed and go elsewhere
  • Ask to do it again

The Rainmaker Formula

  1. Always answer the question “Why should this customer do business with us?”
  2. Obey marketing’s first commandment: treat each customer as you would treat yourself
  3. Customers don’t care about you
  4. Always pre-call plan every sales call
  5. Fish where the big fish are
  6. Show them the money
  7. Earthquakes don’t count
  8. Rainmakers make appointments to make it rain
  9. Stand out, send a letter
  10. Always take the best seat in the restaurant and have your back sat against the wall to avoid a distracting background
  11. Don’t drink coffee on a sales call
  12. You’re not at lunch to eat lunch
  13. Never wear a pen in your shirt pocket
  14. If the solution benefits them, they will buy
  15. Rainmakers turn customer objections into customer objectives
  16. Midway through one project with a customer, the Rainmaker proposes another way in which the Rainmaker’s company can help the customer
  17. Treat everybody you meet as a potential customer
  18. The biggest buy signal is the sales call appointment
  19. “Yes, that is a good company. Would you like to know our points of difference?”
  20. Always return every call every day
  21. Rainmakers don’t plan a thirty-mile trip with twenty miles worth of gas
  22. Beware the myth of time and territory management
  23. Rainmakers always test in private what they are going to sell in public
  24. Dare to be dumb
  25. Always do an investment return analysis
  26. Rainmakers make friends, not enemies
  27. Always be on “high receive”
  28. The Rainmaker must understand all of the customer’s concerns, desires, fears, and limits
  29. If you don’t care about the answer then don’t ask the question
  30. Never be in a meeting, be with the customer when they need you
  31. The Rainmaker presents and helps the customer to decide
  32. Do a wonderful job, do it on time, do it on budget, don’t complain, and give the customer a little extra
  33. “If the demo is successful, is there anything else prohibiting you from going ahead?”
  34. Give and get
  35. Sell before 8 in the morning or on Friday afternoons
  36. Break the ice at the end of the sales call
  37. Get a combination of 4 points everyday: 1 for each lead or referral, 2 for each appointment with a decision maker, 3 for each decision maker you meet face to face, or 4 for each sale you close
  38. A shot on goal is never a bad play
  39. Don’t make cold calls
  40. Sell the link and you sell the chain
  41. Don’t talk with food in your mouth
  42. “Why don’t you give it a try?”
  43. Voice mail is a good selling tool
  44. Rainmakers show up fit and ready
  45. Be the best-dressed person you will meet today
  46. Breakfast meetings make it rain
  47. Use business cards
  48. “What question should I be asking that I am not asking?”

10 Things to do Today to Get Business

  1. Send a handwritten note
  2. Clip and send an article of interest
  3. Talk to a satisfied customer and ask who else you might help
  4. Send a thank-you gift to someone who referred you
  5. Give your business card to someone with influence
  6. Send a letter to the editor of a magazine your customers read
  7. Add fifteen people to your mailing list
  8. Leave a compelling voice mail
  9. Make an appointment
  10. Call a customer you haven’t talked to in two years

How to Recognise a Rainmaker

  • Is organised
  • Calls only on decision makers
  • Does detailed pre-call planning
  • Always has a written sales call objective
  • Asks pre-planned questions
  • Listens
  • Is empathetic with customers
  • Encourages and appreciates objections
  • Always dollarizes the value of the product
  • Asks for customer commitments



José Fernando Costa
José Fernando Costa

Written by José Fernando Costa

Documenting my life in text form for various audiences

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